New season has arrived, featuring Operation Wasteland and various system changes.

Hello! This is the Battle Prime team. We have prepared a fresh content update with a brand new seasonal content and some system changes.
Check the details below.
Battle and complete Battle Pass missions during the Operation WASTELAND to claim various rewards, including epic skin for PYRO, rare skins for shotgun PREACHER and sniper rifle MS24, as well as various valuable resources.

There are more than 50 levels with rewards in Battle Pass.
Some of the level rewards are free. To unlock others, you need to upgrade your Battle Pass to Elite. This can be done in the Battle Pass section.
IMPORTANT: Level 51 with Roulette Tokens can be completed up to 200 times.
Roulette Tokens needed to spin Battle Pass Roulette.
Among Battle Pass Roulette rewards you may find legendary Prime PYRO, as well as sniper rifle MS24.
We have provided several system changes in this content update.
Prime and Weapon Compensation
We have reworked the compensation for duplicates of Primes and weapons.
Now, if you receive a duplicate of a Prime or a weapon that you already have, you will get Prime or Weapon tokens respectively:
For common, rare, and epic Primes and weapons you will get 5 Tokens for targeted item. It means, that if you receive a duplicate of Shock, it will be compensated into 5 Shock Tokens.
For legendary Prime and weapons you will get 10 and 15 Tokens respectively. This tokens are not targeted and will distribute among your common/rare/epic Prime or weapons.

Black Market Update
Also, we have slightly reworked containers in the Black Market.

Common container:
Now includes common Primes and weapons, as well as Prime and weapon Tokens.
From each 20th container you will get a guaranteed common Prime or weapon.
Rare container:
Now includes common and rare Primes and weapons.
From each 10th container you will get a guaranteed rare Prime or weapon.
The drop rate of rare Prime and weapon Blueprints has been increased.
Epic container:
Now includes rare and epic Primes and weapons.
From each 5th container you will get a guaranteed epic Prime or weapon.
The drop rate of epic Prime and weapon Blueprints has been increased.
Common, rare, and epic container may drop from 2 to 3 rewards.
Subscription enhancement
10 Golden Keys (for Common Container in Black Market) per day have been added as an additional bonus for Subscription.
We welcome your feedback on the latest changes to Battle Prime. You can share it on our official social media, as well as in the official Discord.